Music Lessons for Toddlers

The early childhood music curriculum in Juzmusic Academy is based on an extensive survey of research related to the development of music cognition in baby, toddler and preschooler. Our music lessons for toddlers and baby music classes are designed in an imaginative and progressive manner so as to stimulate the minds of young children. As children learn to speak before they learn to write, we present our music lessons in the same way.


Juzmusic Academy uses a multi-sensory approach which involves singing, playing, moving, listening and watching. Our young musicians are gradually exposed and trained in the areas of performance, theory, aural (i.e. ear training), singing, composition etc. These skills prepare them with a strong foundation for formal music education (e.g. piano, violin, guitar, cello etc).


At Juzmusic Academy, we aim to instill confidence in these babies, toddlers and preschoolers to experiment, improvise and create their own music. This confidence will then lend itself as they grow and be applicable in their other areas of development and growth.

24 class pack 12 class pack  1st trial class
2 classes per week for 3 months 1 class per week for
3 months
1 lesson
~$30.40per class *
~$40 per class *
~UP $50 per class*

**sign up after the trial class and enjoy a trial fee waiver


What if my child is crying and disruptive during class?

When you have a baby/toddler/preschooler, you can expect almost anything! If your little one is having a tough time or running around, we advise you to calmly take your child out of the room until she or he (or you!) feels ready to join back in. If you need support, your teacher is there to help.

Why do we sing some of the same songs every week? Don't the babies/toddlers/ preschoolers get bored?

Mastery is a key element of our teaching method, and repetition is an essential component in skill development. The babies/toddlers/preschoolers love and learn best through listening and repetition – not only music but also other skills such as languages. They add the song to their vocabulary and start using it more and more. It gives them confidence to know a favourite song is coming next, which also makes them feel safe and, thus willing to try something new.

How can you have babies and three year olds together?

Children learn from each other. In order for the program to be successful, it is important to have different age and ability levels. They learn both social skills and learning music skills as the children begin to gain confidence and show signs of mastery. Young children in this program will model after older children and pick up more sophisticated skills while the older children tend to be settled by the presence of younger babies, and they enjoy being the expert, which is important for their development of self-esteem. This program is designed to accommodate children of all ability levels, and each child is free to develop at his own pace.

Is my child ready?

Children learn to smile from their parents. – Shinichi Suzuki

If parents can commit to regular attendance at music lessons and classes, if they can set aside regular listening and practice time, if they enjoy spending time with their children, if they take delight in their children’s smallest accomplishments, if they can deal calmly with the backward steps as well as the steps forward, they are probably ready to consider Juzmusic’s Early childhood program for their children. And if parents are ready, then their children will usually be ready too.

Junior Discovery

The Junior Discovery programme is for babies and toddlers, from newborns to four-year-olds. It is based on the Suzuki method.

Junior Playtime

The Junior Playtime is for toddlers and preschoolers, from two-and-a-half to four-year-olds. In the Junior Playtime, we introduce note reading, rhythm...

Junior Musician

The Junior Musician program is for preschoolers, from four-year-olds to six-year-olds. In this class the students will learn both the Piano and the Violin.